Life happens

Henna Kettunen
3 min readJun 29, 2021


Hi everyone!

My name is Henna and I’m from Finland, which is called the land of thousands lakes and forests. I’ve been living a big city life in Helsinki last 10 years, but originally raised in the countryside south of Finland. After I completed my Bachelor’s degree, I worked at Bestseller Finland 6 year which four as a sales representative. I really missed some change and new challenges in my life, so I applied for Bestseller’s IBT program (which I had been thinking for a quite long time) and I matched — so here we go!

And yes “you get what you pay for”, so a lot has changed in a 3,5 weeks. Moving abroad, dozens of new people, new home and work place — basically the everyday life. If I should describe my feelings after first weeks, I’ll say: happy and tired.

Celebrating Midsummer (popular public holiday in Northern countries)

We have lived very intensively for these weeks and already become really close with other IBT’s. I couldn’t be happier of people I have got the chance to meet from all over the world and to share my 2 year’s journey here in Denmark. As you may have read in other blog posts, we have spent time mostly outdoor in Aarhus city like on a beach, street food area, in a park, terrace bar, but also in our back yard. We’ve celebrated 25th Birthday, Sankt Hans day, Midsummer, UEFA EURO matches, weekend holidays, good food and life after the Covid-19 (hopefully it’s soon over). No matter how we celebrate or not, we reputedly do it loudly — We are really sorry neighbors!

I’m working in a buying team at Jack & Jones Junior assisting the acquisition and purchase for outerwear collections. As a part of buying team, we work closely together with design, sales and suppliers, to ensure that the strongest collection is developed. In the first work weeks I have had a lot of introduction of the workflow and people I’ll be working with. Jumping from sales to buying department challenges me to rethink value chain from totally different perspective, but also gives me opportunity to share my product knowledge from also the side of an end-customer.

My office building in Brande

I feel very welcome in my new work team and every day they are excited to hear new words I have learnt in Danish, which is quite easy to read if you have learn Swedish, but impossible to speak 😃 (honestly Danish language is pronounced in throat rather than up in the mouth). But looking forward to start Danish lessons after summer and surprise my workmates day to day!

Thank you for your time and do not hesitate to ask in case you have any questions.

All the best,




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